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In the run-up to the (early) House of Representatives elections of November 2023, various issue owners will speak out who are committed to getting important issues on the political agenda. The reason for this series is the growing recognition of the importance of social issues and the active role that various organizations play in influencing policymakers and politicians.

The fourth interview features Bas van Weegberg, member of the Executive Board of FNV. Before that he was chairman of FNV Young & United. The FNV fights for decent work and a fair distribution of work and income. One of their spearheads is a secure future, where there is a permanent job for everyone who wants it and where you are prepared for the jobs of the future. How does this organization ensure attention is paid to their issue during the upcoming elections?

“The political choices of recent years can mainly be characterized as sticking a band-aid.”

Which issues are relevant to your organization in the run-up to the elections?

For FNV, increasing people's social security, rebuilding public facilities and making taxes fairer are crucial themes for these elections. Because the Netherlands deserves better!


Do you think that your social issue will be on the political agenda? election period? And are you actively working on this as an organization?

that I know for sure. We have been building awareness for years about the need for more secure contracts and a higher minimum wage, strong public sectors and fair wealth and profit taxes. Fortunately, this is now reflected in the political agenda. Now for the policy choices!


Is the issue your organization is dealing with receiving more attention? come during this election time? And in what way?

Lately there has been a lot of talk about social security – and rightly so. Poverty and the disadvantage in purchasing power affect many people in the Netherlands. The political choices of recent years can mainly be characterized as 'sticking a band-aid', while structural solutions are literally desperately needed. This realization deserves more attention in the run-up to the elections.


What should voters pay attention to when considering your issue and social issues? find the theme important?

Pay particular attention to whether politicians actually put their words into action. Do they want the minimum wage to immediately rise to 16 euros while maintaining the link with state pension and social assistance? Do they really want to invest heavily in the quality of work in public sectors and therefore in the quality of services provided to all of us? Otherwise, a term such as social security remains an empty political phrase.



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