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Developments in the undercurrent of politics

Last week's General Political Considerations showed that new power relations have emerged in Dutch politics. There is a lot to say about all the current political events, but in the developments in…

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Issue in Beeld lesson packages

Issue in Pictures: lesson packages

Summer is over, schools have started. And the classroom is the place where all subjects and people in society come together. Companies and interest groups know this too. Many organizations therefore develop lesson packages…

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Mayke and Sybrig van Keep, founders of Issuemakers, toast the acquisition by Rud Pedersen Group

Issuemakers joins Rud Pedersen Group

Issuemakers will be acquired by the Rud Pedersen Group (RP Group) as of September 1, 2024. RP Group is the largest European group of public affairs and strategic communications agencies. The acquisition marks…

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Emergency package = normal package

Can you feed your children if the Netherlands comes to a standstill? The importance of emergency packages is growing. In November 2022, a few months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the NOS published an article that the Dutch did not…

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A new political reality

With the arrival of the new cabinet, a new reality has emerged. An extra-parliamentary cabinet with sharp ambitions that represent a clear change in government policy. The goals have shifted, in the coming months…

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Honest about nutrition

We need to exercise more and eat healthier. The desire to help all Dutch people live healthier lives is high on the agenda. And that is visible: fitfluencers are having a heyday, and marketers are promoting healthy choices much more often.…

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Our case 'Dutch influencer register' wins GOLD at the Dutch PR Awards!

Today, Lars Ykema and Marit van der Veldt, together with Naomi van der Louw and Bob Younge from DDMA, received the gold award in the B2B category at the Dutch PR Awards.…

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Main lines agreement, what next?

Top civil servant Dick Schoof will become prime minister and in the coming month formateur Van Zwol, Schoof and Wilders will look for ministers and state secretaries for the extra-parliamentary cabinet. These are turbulent times in The Hague and…

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Finding people means seducing people

The old motto 'people are looking for work' is now outdated. It is now 'work looking for people'. Whether in the process industry, healthcare, energy sector or education – there is the availability of sufficient, good staff everywhere...

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How these European Elections affect your organization

In the run-up to the European Elections on June 6, Dr. Mendeltje van Keulen, lecturer 'Changing role of Europe' at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, insights into the most important issues for the EU and lobbying opportunities for…

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Issuemakers has been nominated for the Dutch PR Awards 2024!

Issue makers Lars Ykema, Marit van der Veldt and Emma Postma provided the press approach for DDMA's 'Certified by' at the end of April. We are proud that their work has been nominated for the Dutch...

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Mayke van Keep about her love for the National Think Tank

Mayke van Keep, managing partner at Issuemakers, has been involved with the National Think Tank (NDT) for twelve years. The NDT is a foundation that focuses young people on current social issues. Every year, twenty ambitious fresh MBO, HBO…

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Sustainable Brand Index

Congratulations to Tony's Chocolonely on the first place in the Sustainable Brand Index! 🎉 Also applause for Dopper (4th), ASN Bank (12th) and Lidl Nederland (20th) for the great quotations. We are proud to…

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Immigration and Ukraine will be the issues of the European elections

The elections for the House of Representatives have not yet produced a new government. In the meantime, we are already looking ahead to the next elections: those for the European Parliament. These European elections have already been labeled by many as...

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Roadmap. It is perhaps the fastest growing word used in our office. And not just because we now all want to go on holiday by car or train because we are ashamed of flying. Increasingly…

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From July 1 this year, supermarkets will no longer be allowed to sell cigarettes and tobacco. After Lidl took the courageous decision to stop selling these products a few years ago, Jumbo…

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Issue makers in the FD: Responding defensively does not help with a hard report on social safety

More and more studies are being published on transgressive behavior at organizations such as the Van Rijn Committee, at broadcaster WNL and recently at TU Delft. Recent reactions, such as denying the allegations and criticizing the…

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New cabinet, new opportunities

Does-it-do-it or doesn't-it-it-it? Will Pieter Omtzigt step in, or will Dilan Yeşilgöz step out? The formation of the cabinet resembles highly fluctuating daily rates. The four-party coalition was off the table, but may have been…

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Inspire with an impact report

Last week I received the 2023 impact report from Wakuli coffee in my mailbox, a report in which the sustainable coffee brand looks back on their year in terms of prices, sustainability and partners. An interesting piece to…

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CSDDD: do not throw the pioneering role on the environment and human rights in the trash

There has been a lot of talk in the European Union for some time about the introduction of the so-called CSDDD directive, renamed by the Dutch media as the 'Anti-looking away law'. This guideline is aimed at reducing the responsibility of major…

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Jury members of the Issue Award 2024 announced!

The jury members for the Issue Award 2024 have been announced! The issue award is an annual prize for an organization or person that has succeeded in putting an issue on the social and political agenda...

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Issue Congress 2024

Every year in January we organize the Issue Conference where we focus on a social topic. The Issue Conference, which will be held on January 25 in the afternoon at De Balie in Amsterdam, will discuss 'Opportunities…

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Less, less, less

The new political leaders of our country must first convince each other of the importance of fundamental rights at the start of the cabinet formation. That you are not allowed to discriminate, that there is freedom of religion,...

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Social issues during election time: Animal Coalition

In the run-up to the (early) House of Representatives elections of November 2023, various issue owners will speak out who are committed to getting important issues on the political agenda. The reason for this series is…

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Social issues during election time: National Think Tank (NDT)

In the run-up to the (early) House of Representatives elections of November 2023, various issue owners will speak out who are committed to getting important issues on the political agenda. The reason for this series is…

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Social issues during election time: Federation of the Dutch Trade Union Movement (FNV)

In the run-up to the (early) House of Representatives elections of November 2023, various issue owners will speak out who are committed to getting important issues on the political agenda. The reason for this series is…

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Social issues during the election season: ASN Bank

In the run-up to the (early) House of Representatives elections of November 2023, various issue owners will speak out who are committed to getting important issues on the political agenda. The reason for this series is…

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Social issues during the election season: National Action Committee for School Students (LAKS)

In the run-up to the (early) House of Representatives elections of November 2023, various issue owners will speak out who are committed to getting important issues on the political agenda. The reason for this series is…

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Social issues during election time: Health funds for smoke-free

In the run-up to the (early) House of Representatives elections of November 2023, various issue owners will speak out who are committed to getting important issues on the political agenda. The reason for this series is…

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Radical transparency as marketing of the future?

Radical transparency as marketing of the future? Amstelveen, October 5, 2023 Fiber-rich, sugar-free, anti-aging, all natural, sustainable and also vegan? It's almost too good to be true. Is it necessary to…

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What will be the issues in The Hague politics this period?

What will be the issues in The Hague politics this period? Amstelveen, September 22, 2023 Now that Budget Day is behind us, all attention will be focused on the elections in the near future. In the summer it was…

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Building bridges between citizens and government in the Citizen Climate Forum

Building bridges between citizens and government in the Citizens' Climate Forum Amstelveen, July 25, 2023 At the end of June, the decision was finally made: the first Citizens' Climate Forum will take place. By 2024, 175 participating citizens will…

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Climate polder

Amstelveen, June 23, 2023 Did LTO leader Sjaak van der Tak not only pull the plug on the Agricultural Agreement this week, but also consign the entire polder model to the grave? The polder model has a long, often…

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Issue monitor 2023

The Dutch are mainly concerned about issues that are close to home Amstelveen, June 21, 2023 The Dutch are currently mainly concerned about issues that are close to home, such as the rising costs of…

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Daan de Neef strengthens Issuemakers

Daan de Neef strengthens Issuemakers Former VVD Member of Parliament Daan de Neef will join strategic communications consultancy Issuemakers as a senior advisor on June 12, 2023. De Neef: “Issuemakers and I have a very nice click.…

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The gap between city and countryside: sharp analysis or clever framing?

The historic election victory of the BoerCurgerMovement has brought a lot of attention to the gap between city and countryside. The gap has now completely returned. Politicians, journalists and opinion makers have been pointing out for decades…

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Encouraging healthier and sustainable choices? Make it more expensive!

Encouraging healthier and sustainable choices? Make it more expensive! The coalition agreement states that as of January 1, 2024, the tax will increase by 196 percent for non-alcoholic drinks such as lemonade, fruit juices and soft drinks. …

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The 'witchification' of female politicians

Politics & Public Affairs: The 'witchification' of female politicians The NRC previously labeled it as "the witchification of female politicians”: hatred against female politicians. Although we see more female leaders emerging all over the world,...

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A brand with an opinion?

A brand with an opinion? We all know the animated chocolate figures in M&M's advertising campaigns. Nice, endearing types that have been a lot of fun in recent weeks. First of all, the news that there is a…

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Knowledge trip Rotterdam with Issuemakers

Knowledge trip Rotterdam with Issuemakers We recently went on a "knowledge trip" through Rotterdam with the entire Issuemakers team, completely completed by our colleague and Rotterdam resident Jannelieke. We would like to share the inspiring Rotterdammers we spoke with, what we learned...

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Issue lecture Josse de Voogd: About outsiders and established people

Issue lecture Josse de Voogd: About outsiders and established people At Issuemakers we constantly think about the target groups we want to reach. We take assumed social differences into account. Because a PvdA member prefers to read the…

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Maryam Hassouni wins the 2023 Issue Award

Maryam Hassouni wins Issue Award 2023 January 25, 2023 - Actress and writer Maryam Hassouni was declared winner of the Issue Award 2023 during yesterday's Issue lecture. The other nominees were Jelmer Becker from…

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Who will win the Issue Award 2023? The three nominees have been announced!

Mirjam Kaijer of Voices for Women, youth organization JOB MBO and actress Maryam Hassouni have a chance to win the 2023 Issue Award this year. The jury of the Issue Award presents the award every year...

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Issue lecture January 24 with Josse de Voogd and Issue Award presentation (3:00 PM - 5:00 PM)

As in other years, we organize our Issue Lecture in January, where we ask someone to give an introduction to social developments that influence our profession. Since Corona we have chosen to…

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The jury members of the Issue Award 2023 have been announced!

The jury members for the upcoming Issue Award 2023 have been announced! The Issue Award is an annual prize for an organization or person that has successfully addressed a topic on social and…

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Popular AI tool writes good texts in an instant: is our work redundant?

Popular AI tool writes good texts in an instant: is our work redundant? The development of artificial intelligence (AI) is an interesting development in the communications industry. AI tools use advanced algorithms to write texts…

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Human rights or marketing tool?

In recent months, a lot has been said and written about Qatar as the host country for the Football World Cup. About the terms and conditions of employment of workers who built the stadiums, about the (missing) human rights in Qatar,…

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Why Remkes succeeds where the cabinet fails

The presentation of Remkes' long-awaited report the day before yesterday was positively received. A few critical comments, but actually quite positive overall. Striking because there isn't really much new in his report.…

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SDG Action Day by VNO NCW West

Last week I attended the SDG Action Day on behalf of Issuemakers, organized by VNO NCW West. VNO NCW is in transition to change its course; Tensions in our society are increasingly becoming…

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Indonesia's successful communication approach during the Covid-19 pandemic

Issuemakers were invited to participate in the OECD international conference 'Effective Public Communication: Better Connecting with Citizens' in Paris on 26 and 27 September. The central theme during this conference was…

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