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PR and media strategy and execution

You have to earn media attention. This can be done by approaching the right journalists or bloggers at the right time, with the right information or the right story. Issuemakers has a broad media network and is happy to help clients get deserved attention. We not only map out the strategy, but we also take care of its implementation. From preparing and sending press releases to writing columns and opinion pieces and organizing press conferences and events.


Media training

An unfortunate media appearance can cause a lot of damage to your reputation. Even if something goes wrong in a late-night item from the local television station, thanks to the Internet, every slip-up can be mercilessly magnified. Issuemakers are happy to help organizations to appear well in the media. The three most important conditions to achieve this? Practice, practice and practice. Not only to appear as naturally as possible in front of the camera, but also to be able to formulate your core message clearly.


Public Affairs: advice and implementation

A well-prepared organization knows what is going on in politics around the issues relevant to it, at municipal, provincial and national level. With a well-thought-out public affairs policy, an organization identifies risks in a timely manner and seizes opportunities to approach political stakeholders at the right time, with the right message on the right issue. Anyone who wants to influence the political and social agenda must therefore be well informed about the state of affairs in The Hague. That is not easy for every organization. De Issuemakers has years of experience in public affairs and supports various clients with political monitoring and their advocacy in various sectors.


Stakeholder management

Monitoring competitors, keeping ambassadors warm or identifying critics. All ingredients for a successful stakeholder policy. And that is becoming increasingly important, partly due to the influence of social media. Issuemakers advises various clients about their issues stakeholder management. We map the playing field and weigh attitude, decision-making power and willingness to take action in order to determine the strategy for each stakeholder. Stakeholder management requires constant attention: as soon as the interest of organizations in a particular issue shifts, so does the position of the stakeholders.


Issue advice

We draw up scenarios to gain insight into how negative issues may develop in the future and advise on possible strategies (reactive and proactive) to manage these issues and ensure that issues do not become crises.

We review the internal structure of an organization around issue management and advise on the design of an issue-oriented organization.


Crisis advice and implementation

A reputation is broken faster than it is built: it only takes one crisis. Knowing how to get through a crisis well is therefore of vital importance for organizations. Speed and good preparation are crucial. Issuemakers provides its clients with advice on both aspects. By developing scenarios, training employees, drawing up crisis manuals and assisting organizations in times of crisis in the field of spokesperson and monitoring.

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