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Media monitoring: following your organization in the media

The use of media monitoring is indispensable to monitor the influence of your organization everywhere and at all times. Everything that happens outside your own field of vision requires the use of tools to gain insight into how your target group experiences your brand.

Media monitoring focuses on the objectives of your organization and the direction you want to take. You get a good idea of your brand's reputation by mapping all reporting around your products and services using tools. Media monitoring is possible continuously, but you can also monitor at specific times.

When media monitoring, it is important to think carefully about how you want to measure and which media are important to monitor. You can then more easily choose the monitoring tool that suits your objectives.

Once you have a better idea of your brand or organizational reputation, you can use media monitoring on a longer-term basis to monitor how your reputation is developing. For example, in response to promotions, campaigns or other communications. This way you can keep your finger on the pulse and make quicker adjustments where necessary.

Application of media monitoring

The information you need to gain important insights into your organization's performance comes from the following ways of monitoring media:

  • Social media monitoring
  • Offline media monitoring
  • Online media monitoring

The information from these types of media gives you the tools to adjust or continue your business strategy. You use the information and the resulting image in your marketing campaign, managing and monitoring your reputation. Depending on your objective, you choose to monitor all types of media or only media that apply to your organization.

Why use media monitoring?

As an organization, you reach your target group by optimally responding to their needs. Do you know what questions exist among your target group? And do you have the answer to this? By monitoring media you gain clarity on which news sources, social media channels, radio and television channels your target group is active.

You discover more quickly which themes are important and how your target group feels about them. You also map out how your organization compares to competitors and this helps you stay one step ahead.

This method of monitoring also prevents unnecessary damage to your image. In case of negative statements about your organization or brand, limit the negative influence by taking immediate action. By responding quickly to statements in the media, you demonstrate that you are an active and committed organization.

Benefits of media monitoring

Media monitoring has many benefits and provides information in the following areas:

  • Brand, brand experience, brand reputation
  • Marketing, relevant content and themes
  • Position of competitors
  • Issues and (potential) crises
  • Current market developments
  • Development of the organization
  • Analysis of target groups
  • National and international analysis

Media monitoring for multiple brands

If your organization has multiple brands, it is important that you know what influence each brand has on the image of your organization. Only when you know the impact of this can you respond effectively. It is advisable to set up media monitoring per brand, just as at corporate level. This way you will eventually see the connection between the brands and the organization of which they are part.

Media monitoring tools

In short, the most important advantage of media monitoring is mapping relevant information, which you use for both issue management, but also for setting up a marketing campaign, reputation management and other communication expressions.

Knowing what is going on in a rapidly changing offline and online world is not possible without support. This is where media monitoring tools come into play. These are both paid and unpaid.

Share knowledge internally

The knowledge that media monitoring provides is often also interesting for colleagues from other departments. You can also automate these reports and their distribution, which ultimately saves a lot of time. Time that could be better used to devise a suitable strategy.

Everyone within your organization is thus simultaneously aware of the knowledge, making it possible to act on it immediately. Determine together with other departments which path you will take to make optimal use of the information.

Communication towards management

As a communications and marketing professional within your organization, it is your job to provide management with all relevant information. Take advantage of the benefits of media monitoring and present the collected information clearly and concisely.

Determine a marketing strategy with everyone involved and the road to relevant content and targeted customer loyalty has begun. With media monitoring you have eyes and ears through all channels. This offers you the opportunity to gain insight into how your brand is doing on the market. This way you have a nice steering wheel in your hands to guide the vehicle in the right direction.

Need help?

Could you use some help with media monitoring? Then take Contact contact us or call 020-3455088.


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